Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Nile Basin Club "NBC" is a Non-Governmental Organization registered under Rwandan Law that provide Education for Sustainable Development "ESD" to women and youth by creating opportunities that promote their self-sufficiency towards a sustainable future. NBC was founded in 2012 and since has been contribution in Poverty and Environmental Climate change alleviation.

Our interventions are planned and implemented in close collaboration with key partners including the Farmers Organizations, the Local Government, the Ministry of Gender & Family Promotion "MIGEPROF, the New Partnership for Africa's Development "NEPAD" , UN-WOMEN and others.

Address & Contact


P.O Box: 3158 Kigali-Rwanda


Tel.: (+250) 788307082



Twitter: @ClubNbc

Youtube: NBCTV

About Our Identity

Our vision, mission and values make us unique when it comes to empower women and youth to change their way of thinking and work towards a sustainable future.


Our Vision

Promote Education for Sustainable Development "ESD" to women and youth by creating opportunities that promote their self-sufficiency towards a sustainable future.


Our Mission

Improve access to quality education on sustainable development by empowering young people and women smallholder farmers & their families to develop the knowledge, skills, values and behaviors necessary for sustainable development.


Our Values

The core value of NBC is underpinned by the following five valuses colled "SPACE"

  • Solidarity
  • Passion
  • Accountability
  • Confidentiality
  • Empowerment

Our Objectives

  • Raise awareness on environmental preservation through agro-forestry & horticulture, soil erosion control, reforestation and use of renewable energies (solar & biogas)
  • Promote primary, secondary and higher education of youth
  • Publish “@SCHOOL NILE ENVIRO MAGAZINE” on quarterly basis
  • Promote peace among youth through entertainment and sensitization meetings
  • Train youth on entrepreneurship through “youth saving groups”
  • Strengthening farmers’ organization through the promotion of a sustainable market oriented agriculture integrated to livestock

Our Programs

Climate Smart Agriculture

We equip small-scale women farmers & their families with the skills and knowledge they need to earn a sustainable income and ensure food security.

The farmers are trained on how to grow food and cash crops using Climate Smart Agriculture Practices.

Women producers are helped to be organized into Self-Helped Groups for easy training delivery, financial & market access, and increased bargaining power.

Women Financial Inclusion

We support women to create Saving & Lending Groups that enable them cover financial needs and initiate income generating activities.

This will help them to increase income, builds assets and reduce vulnerability.

Nutrition & Sanitation

Families are trained on how to prepare a good & balanced diet.

They are trained on Kitchen Garden Technology (Home Gardening) and supported on rabbit farming through "RABBIT TO EVERY FAMILY PROGRAM" to enable households get animal proteins.

In addition, farmers get cash from rabbit and crops selling.

We also train and coach families on essential hygiene practices and empower them to pay health insurance every year.

Gender, Youth & Child Rights

Cultural & Social norms limit women’s to participate in household and community development.

Also, unequal levels of decision-making and Gender Based Violence "GBV" often dissuade women from participating in livelihood development.

Families are trained on how to fight against GBV.

Parents are reminded to send their children to school and avoid child labor.

We equip orphans with tools and training to overcome life-threatening poverty for good.

@School NILE Enviro Magazine

To fight against climate change issues and increase environmental awareness in schools, Nile Basin Club has initiated “@SCHOOL NILE ENVIRO MAGAZINE” that is published at quarterly basis.

The magazine educates youth at school on how they can tackle climate change issues in the community they live.

The youth is encouraged to plant trees to protect soils against erosion.

Trees are also a source of fuel, food, fodder, compost, building materials and even medicines.

Clean Energy

In Rwanda many households rely on kerosene lamps and candles to light their homes. They also use firewood to cook their food. This contributes to environmental degradation by cutting trees and increase pollution. Cutting trees has a negative impact on rain availability for agriculture and livestock.

The fumes produced pollute the environment and affect negatively the human health.

To get connected, people must power their radios or phones and often travel long distances to charge batteries.

Nile Basin Club has supported poor families to get Solar Lanterns than can charge radio and phone. Also, they got Clean Cooking Stoves. The use of clean energy has a great impact not only on Sustainable Agriculture (increased rainfall) and health improvement but also on child education because the time that was previously reserved to children to collect firewood is used for lessons revision.

Our Achievements so far

Key Achievements


Nile Basin Club is scaling up a project of “Empowering women smallholder farmers to increase food production through climate smart agriculture practices in Rwanda” through “GCCASP” (Gender Climate Change in Agriculture Support Programme) has started in early December 2018.

The project is being implemented through KOPABIIJA cooperative located in Ngoma District, Jarama Sector, Eastern Province of Rwanda.

The pilot project was fund by NEPAD and its scaling-up is now supported by UN-WOMEN through the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion "MIGEPROF".

Key Achievements


Supported the formation of the Cooperative for Fruits & Vegetables of Jarama (KOPABIIJA in Kinyarwanda abbreviation) in which and

  • The cooperative counts 484 members
  • 474 are women (97.9%)
  • 10 are men (2.1%)

Cooperative members supported to be organized into 25 Self-Helped Groups for easy training, financial & agro-inputs access and increased bargaining powers

Key Achievements


  • 75 Women lead farmers trained of compost making to improve soil fertility
  • 75 Women smallholder farmers trained on beans rich in iron and maize farming using Climate Smart Agriculture Practices
  • 484 households trained of Kitchen garden technology
  • 25 Self-Helped Groups initiated "Saving for the Future program" counting a cash flow of 5,664,630 Rwf within 2 years only.



Chief Administration & Finance


Liaison Officer


Field Agronomist


Community Development Officer

Our Partners


Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion


Ministry of Environment


Rwanda Environment Management Authority


Rwanda Governance Board


New Partnership for Africa's Development


United Nations for Women

Contact Us


P.O Box: 3158 Kigali-Rwanda

Open Hours:

08:00 AM - 05:00 PM


© 2025 Nile Basin Club.